Do Your Current Spreadsheets Help Support Your Decision Making?

Broken spreadsheets are stressful to say the least

Do your current processes deliver data for you to make confident and significant business decisions?

Does your current system give you enough info to guide you in the direction you want to go?

Do your existing decision support tools instill confidence and reinforce your organisation’s goals?

If you are like most organisation and business leaders, you are well aware of the time and effort that goes into making sure things run smoothly. Hours upon hours are consistently devoted to growing your company and increasing profits.

You also know it takes one poor, misinformed decision to set you back or even worse. That’s why you need a management system that consistently and efficiently provides you with accurate, useful data and supports your decision making in every possible area of your business .

With more than 25 years of industry experience, our on demand solution FocusIMS provides many opportunities to improve your business through our decision support tools and reports.
After using our system one client increased their turnover from $2m PA to $15m PA in just two years. That’s an impressive 400 percent profit increase in 24 months! Another client increased their turnover by 300 percent without any additional administrative overhead cost.

We also regularly help businesses improve submissions and processes to win many government contracts, identify opportunities for improvement and significantly reduce their annual worker’s compensation premiums.

It’s no accident we were awarded “Best WHS Management Systems” by the Workcover Authority of New South Wales. Let us show you how superior decision support tools can lead to your business to significantly improve its success.

Why not sign up for FocusIMS 2 week Free Trial and start seeing improvements today

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