At one end of the scale you could choose to “DIY” and set up your own policies procedures and at the other end of the scale you could get a consultant to do a large chunk of the work.
The benefits of one approach over the other depends on the organisations finances, internal resources available as well as the required knowledge and not to mention the time required to get your system setup and implemented.

Well FocusIMS provides an alternative that is the best of both worlds. (DIY with the best tools and advice to deliver a great result). Guided support in setting up your system will have you up and running in as little as a week, and real tech support just a message, call or email away without the cost of a consultant.
Why build your managment system using FocusIMS ?
#1 – You will pay much less for so much more!
A consultant will obviously charge you for their time where as with FocusIMS you’ll pay a simple low subscription per user (usually $30 per person per month). Consultants also often hand you an off-the-shelf manual with generic templates that are not industry or business-specific. The information is frequently over complicated and out of touch with what your business needs. You will likely receive a myriad of templates to follow, often not acknowledging that you already had some processes in place, instead leaving you with gaps or overlapping processes you’ll have to work through . You may still wish get a consultant to help you initially with your internal audit and management review functions where they can add get value adds to your system,if your not confident to “DIY” With FocusIMS, you get an entire user-friendly system that covers all your business processes, from project management, asset management, and personnel management to supplier management, document management, and much more.
#2 – No need for duplication!
While you would often be advised by a client to create a register/index for a list of completed forms this mean your duplicating information in the form and the register, FocusIMS automatically creates the register based on the form completed that is easily accessible for anyone needing access. In addition to this in many areas reports/summaries are automatically created. This means you can focus on driving improvements from the data rather than duplicating the data.
#3 – Automatic Compliance Alerts!
Consultant manuals never include a method for automated compliance alerts. The FocusIMS alerts page efficiently manages your records, alerting you about overdue records for expiring training, vehicle registrations, contractor certificates of insurance, review of legislation, policies, and procedures. Don’t waste time and money on a consultant to get you started.
Start your FREE FocusIMS two-week trial today!
(14 day full featured trial. No Credit card required)