Onboarding – Day 5 Risk Management

Welcome to Day 5 – Risk Management
We have divided risk management into Operational Risk Management – these are the risks on your worksites or part of your staff doing their jobs. If your not sure what might be some of your Operational Risks and how to manage them (Controls) have a look at your Codes of Practice on the Safe Work website.
Organisational risks include financial risks, reputational risks and are normally bigger organisational decisions such as whether the organisations diversifies into other areas and its associated risks

Step 1. Add Operational Risk Items selecting default items and controls. These will appear when field staff are completing risk assessments on site as part of a project WHS and Environmental Plan

Step 2. Add your organisational risk items to the Hazard Register any items identified as significant should have objectives (this is an environmental requirement but is good practice for all significant items)

Step 3. Review Audit Types from System>Manage Lists>Risk>Audit Types.

Step 4. Review the audit items – the items with the audit type “Management System” are requirements for certification. Site Audit Items you can choose based on your specific operations and sites. You may also have client requirements for site quality audits to add.

Step 5. Add Audits as they occur you will need to complete at least 1 Management System audit prior to completing a certification audit and at least Management system audit annually, it is suggested they they are completed quarterly initially until all staff are consistently completing audits without non conformances and areas of concern. Non conformances and Areas of concern will appear on the alerts page until corrective actions has been completed. Site audits should occur frequently to ensure operations meet quality, safety and environmental requirements.

Step 4. Review the audit items – the items with the audit type “Management System” are requirements for certification. Site Audit Items you can choose based on your specific operations and sites. You may also have client requirements for site quality audits to add.

Step 5. Add Audits as they occur you will need to complete at least 1 Management System audit prior to completing a certification audit and at least Management system audit annually, it is suggested they they are completed quarterly initially until all staff are consistently completing audits without non conformances and areas of concern. Non conformances and Areas of concern will appear on the alerts page until corrective actions has been completed. Site audits should occur frequently to ensure operations meet quality, safety and environmental requirements.

Step 6. Add Incidents as they occur. Ensure you complete the cause and then identify and complete the corrective actions. You may wish to enter a couple of your most recent incidents as this is a requirement identified in the standards.

PS. If you need some help or have a question please email admin@focusbis.com.au or chat through our website https://focusims.com.au