Welcome to Day 6 Client and Project Management.
This is often the area with the most data entry to bring it up to speed.
We suggest starting by adding projects that have been won and not yet completed. Then add everything youve quoted thats still valid and finally add you requests as they are received.
In terms of clients start wth adding the ones your currently working with and then add the rest of the list of clients. This will ensure that you are up and running as quickly as possible. We also have a MYOB and Xero Integration available to get your clients in super fast.
Step 1. Add Clients and their contacts
Step 2. Add Projects and their status
Step 3. Schedule – There are several different ways to schedule the work
• the first is within the Project>Plan add a Schedule Date and Crewleader.
• The second option is to select Schedule from the project menu and add the projects date and crewleader under the Plan Projects heading
• the third option is to drag and drop projects on to the calendar.
Step 4. Review work on the schedule for yesterday and update statuses that have not already been updated
Well we are almost there. Take a moment to consider how keeping your system up to date will improve your business. Is it a profitability improvement? or a reduction of risk? or a financial saving in terms of duplication? or a competitive advantage to providing your client all of their requirements in one streamlined solution?
PS. If you need some help or have a question please email admin@focusbis.com.au or chat through our website https://focusims.com.au