Client Management

Client Management Software for
Trade and Service businesses

to get certification-ready*
within 7 days, for FREE.

*ISO9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems and ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

Are you trying to grow your organisation on a budget with an adhoc approach to sales and marketing?

Are you responsible for sales and marketing and not clear which marketing channels are adding the best Return on Investment for your business – (or the flip side – which are costing your business with no result)?

Do you get busy and forget to follow up on warm leads ?- it normally takes between 4 – 10 touches to convert a lead to a paying customer.

Focusims – Client Management Module segments your customers by referral source, status and segment. Actions and comments are recorded by your sales team on the customer file with followup. The alerts let you know which clients need to be followed up. Detailed reports provide information on marketing cost to acquire leads as well as well as new prospects report and followup reports.

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FocusIMS can improve your bottom line by improving your customer processes in the following ways:

  • Know where your marketing spend is working
  • Client contact records
  • Follow up for clients appears on the alerts page to ensure clients are followed when expected
  • Contact Report for KPI’s for your Sales Team

Manage all your HSEQ Requirements with FocusIMS