An easier way to create and manage internal policies and procedures

Mostly the internal procedures of an organisation evolve over time. They often have inconsistent formatting and are whipped up to fill some immediate need. They may not really be how the organisation completes the process, or be inconsistently communicated throughout the organisation. 

Word documents are saved as PDFs, emailed to employees, and are often left on desktops never to be read or seen again. 

What’s worse is that the original, poorly designed document may never have been backed up. This could leave well-intended information sitting in a file somewhere waiting to be accidentally deleted or corrupted. 

There is a better way to create and manage internal procedures. 

FocusIMS makes it easy to consistently format your document, using style tags that present your information in a logical, easy-to-read flow. 

All FocusIMS written communications are stored as rich html documents that are immediately saved as PDFs once you submit them. Each version of the document is saved automatically, making it simple to review the document’s history at any time. 

Documents are easily accessed by all, including field staff, in a comprehensive organised list. When it’s time for an annual review of any document, they conveniently appear on your alerts page. 

FocusIMS also makes it easy for organisations, who require more complex plans and manuals, to consolidate many distinct policies and procedures into a single document. 

For example, you may want to include your Policies, Risk Management and Training Procedures as part of your Project Management Plan. Simply set up a new document titled Project Management Plan, then choose the appropriate documents from the “Included Documents” drop-down menu and they are automatically added. A consolidated PDF with a cover page and table of contents is immediately generated and included.

FocusIMS includes a full set of template documents that cover all necessary certification requirements, and these can be easily updated to suit your organisational needs.

Creating and managing your internal documents can be effortless with FocusIMS.

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