There are quite a few requirements for certification within the Quality, Safety and Environmental Management standards that relate to managing human resources.
These include:
- Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities
- Training and Competence
- Awareness – Induction
- Management Representative
- Hazard Minimisation such as the issue of PPE
Generally organisations demonstrate these requirements with organisation structures, job descriptions and training/competence records and a training matrix to visually identify gaps in the organisational training.
When you’re setting it up for the first time it appears clear cut and straight forward. The challenges normally come when your staff change, how do you make sure that all the responsibilities are handed over. Or you onboard a new client that has additional requirements for your staff before they are allowed on site. Keeping these areas up to date can require steadily growing amounts of time as your organisation grows.
With FocusIMS you simply set up job descriptions identifying training requirements then when you setup each employee you simply identify who they report to and their job description.
The organisation chart is dynamically generated, the training requirements are automatically added to the employee, and the training matrix remains up to date.
Does your current system require constant updating of your training matrix? FocusIMS automatically keeps track of qualifications for each member of your organisation, alerting you to follow up with any expired or soon-to-be expired licenses and training. You’ll never have to worry again if staff are appropriately trained for the job they are assigned, nor will you wonder whether the training you provide meets current standards for compliance.
Are your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) records complicated and inefficient? FocusIMS makes it easy to track the use of PPE by your employees, ensuring theyalways have the proper equipment to perform their job safely.
Are leave requests still managed on paper? FocusIMS manages leave requests digitally and keeps detailed records of employee leave that are easily accessible to payroll and scheduling personnel or other staff who require access to the most updated leave information.
FocusIMS has developed an efficient, comprehensive personnel management system for training leaders, human resource administrators, HSEQ Managers, and anyone else tasked with overseeing personnel-related responsibilities. From maintaining organisational structure and personnel equipment allocations to providing employee training that keeps your business safe and growing, the benefits of managing all your personnel needs in FocusIMS are simply unmatched.
If you are tired of spending too much time and energy managing your current personnel management system, it’s time to simplify.